Finess® Packaging Design
1 in 3 women experience bladder leaks caused from such things as child birth, menopause, and the like. Finess® is the first over the counter product designed to stop leaks before they happen. The brand’s goal is to dispel the stigma associated with this common women’s health issue and provide a better product alternative than those currently on the market.
Before the following redesign, Finess was being sold exclusively through their online store. The objective for this project was to design a Finess trial pack and redesign the full sized box to be better suited for retail at Target. The resulting designs were made for Finess’ key demographic - modern moms in their 30’s and 40’s who lead an active lifestyle.
Pickle Brand Concept - Parsons School Of Design (The New School)
The goal for this assignment was to create a branded label for a fictitious pickled products company. The resulting packaging was developed with the concept that my pickling company would be known for their honest ingredients. Therefore, I chose to keep the design simple and transparent to let the true food speak for itself.